
Showing posts from November, 2023

If you build it, will they come?

One of the biggest misconceptions about lead generation funnels is  “Build it and they will come” .  A lead generation funnel is not a field of dreams… (And this also applies to every other kind of  funnel) .  I am always shocked by how many business owners really struggle to make their funnels profitable. In most cases, they’ve encountered these challenges because they haven’t applied the same marketing principles to their funnel that they normally would apply to any other marketing strategy.  I see it all the time. They spend all their time, energy, and money adding all the extra bells and whistles to the funnel itself, and they forget about the basic needs that  must be met  in order to attract and reach the right target avatar.  Back in the day, I admit, I was guilty of this too! I used to think the more complicated it was, the more successful it would turn out to be. I literally tried to automate every component, and add every “frill” I could, and guess what?  It was only when we 

Parenting Visitation Schedules That Work N Toys.

There are problems with their children that simply evade them. What is discipline? To some people, the word discipline gives them a very negative feeling. If you give in to your child because of tantrums and whining then you are teaching her that this is the correct way to get whatever you want All you have to do would be to enter a bookshop and see what books are on hand. They think a divorce parenting class will be a waste of their time. While it's true that child-rearing classes will arm you with pretty valuable information, you cannot expect everything you have picked up to produce instant results They talk out of order, they break moral precepts and the rule of good behavior. They still engage in extra-marital affairs and give birth to unknown children and bastards. The unconditional parenting style, also known as unconditional positive regard, states that a parent should show unconditional love no matter how a child behaves, what they say, or what they achieve. Get all the in

The Ultimate Guide to Improving Indoor Air Quality with Air Conditioning

The Ultimate Guide to Improving Indoor Air Quality with Air Conditioning Introduction: Nowadays, we spend the majority of our time indoors, whether it's at home, in the office, or in other enclosed environments. As a result, maintaining good indoor air quality (IAQ) has become more crucial than ever before. One effective way to achieve this is by utilizing air conditioning systems. In this blog post, we will delve into the latest scientific findings, studies, and expert advice to explore various effective tips for improving IAQ through the use of air conditioning. By following these practical guidelines, you can enhance your well-being and create a healthier living environment for you and your loved ones. The Benefits of Good Indoor Air Quality: Before diving into the tips for improving IAQ, let's first understand the potential benefits it offers. Good IAQ has been associated with various advantages, including: 1. Improved Health: Poor IAQ can lead to respiratory issues, allerg

Ad Traffic Mistake #3

Happy Tuesday!  I saved the best for last.  In my experience, this is probably one of the  most costly mistakes  made when running ad traffic…  It’s also one of the  easiest to rectify . Results and performance management is often overlooked when it comes to ALL marketing  (not just running ads).  There are either NO tracking mechanisms or processes in place, or the ones that are set up, aren’t reliable and report inaccurate data.  Those that have NO tracking systems in place live in continual flux… Think of it like going to a casino every day, and feeding a slot machine dollar after dollar, just hoping it’ll pay out.  I don’t know about you, but I could find so many other ways to invest marketing dollars other than gambling it away.  I’m sure you’ve heard of the phrase, “Everything measured improves,”  right?  If you can’t measure something to determine the results, you can’t possibly get better at it.  I like to give the example of someone trying to lose weight.  Have you ever tried